Saturday, January 26, 2013

Travel Bug

I wanted to travel more than I have this year, but there are a number of reasons I haven't.

1. Money. I haven't really had the funds this year to make a trip far and away possible.
2. No travel buddy. I haven't found anybody to travel with--and traveling by yourself can be good, but it can also be really lonely. Aside from day trips, I have not really traveled.
3. Time. My schedule at school gives me Wednesdays off, but otherwise I have to work. School vacations are nice, but they seem to coincide with me having not money--so I stay home.
4. I am having trouble deciding where to go. At first, I wanted to look around Provence, but it's the wrong time of year to truly enjoy it. I've also been bouncing around the options of heading up to Paris or down to Spain, but I'd have to choose one.
5. Visa: my bureaucratic problems have been keeping me home. Not knowing when THE letter will come and how many COPIES I will need to make, not to mention the hazardous email (or seven) from the Rectorat, among others.

Perhaps I will throw caution to the wind and let the February winter break be my travel time. Now all that's left is to save up a bit of money and decide on a destination!

Oh, and I guess it is mildly ironic that just before this, I posted about going to Aix. By "tavel" I guess I mean "take a weekend trip" or the like.

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